The Stirone riverbanks (Parma, Italy) host a rich and well preserved invertebrate marine fauna, belonging to the Castell’Arquato Basin formation. These deposits developed from the Late Miocene (Messinian, 6 Ma) to the Pleistocene, after the NW migration of the Po Plain – Adriatic foredeep. The Miocene section is composed of deep-sea sediments, changing to epibathyal and shelf during Pliocene and Pleistocene times, when the regressive trend led to the establishment of continental conditions. In these deposits, very abundant fossil of Venus multilamella have been collected.
Venus multilamella is a round-shaped, gently elongated bivalve, decorated with fine and dense concentric ribs (lamellae) well-marked and visible. The hinge is heterodont, with two large cardinal teeth. The inside part of the valve is smooth, without indentation. Pallial sinus and muscular impressions are clearly visible. Lunula is present. This bivalve usually inhabits muddy bottoms.
Phylum Mollusca, Classis Bivalvia, Order Venerida, Family Veneridae, Genus Venus, Species Venus multilamella.
Credits: 3D model and description provided by Valentina Bracchi and Daniela Basso.