The Moltrasio Limestone (1) is a stratified limestone of light grey color, with marly intercalations rich in muscovite and siliciclastic materials (flint) dating back to the Lower Jurassic. At this time in the history of the Earth the supercontinent Pangea was splitting and the North Atlantic Ocean was starting to form (with North America starting to detach from Europe).

Credits: UAV-based survey and photogrammetry processing are provided by Fabio L. Bonali.


  • Oppizzi, P., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Stockar, R., Stella, A., Corti, N., Pedicini, M., … & Bonali, F. L. (2023). Geosites in the Gole della Breggia Geopark, Ticino, Southern Switzerland. Resources, 12(10), 122. Geosite (stop) n. 1.