
The Verrucano Lombardo (Upper Permian; Assereto & Casati 1965; Sciunnach 2001), consists of pebble ortho- and paraconglomerates, coarse-grained sandstones and micaceous siltstones (Fining Upward sequences). Pebbles are mainly rounded volcanic followed by subangular quartzites and minor metamorphic rock fragments. Typical is the wine red colour widespread whereas greenish reduction spots are observed only locally. Its facies architecture is characteristic of the alluvial fan-braidplain sediments.

Credits: The data were collected and analyzed in the framework of the national project PLS; photogrammetry processing made by Faibio L. Bonali..


  • – Assereto R. & Casati P (1965) – Revisione della stratigrafia permo-triassica della Val Camonica meridionale (Lombardia). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 71:990-1097, Milano.
  • – Sciunnach, D. (2001). The Lower Permian in the Orobic Anticline (Southern Alps, Lombardy): a review based on new stratigraphic and petrographic data. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 107(1).